Welcome to All Helpline Numbers, where we are dedicated to bringing you the most comprehensive list of telephone numbers and contact information for a huge variety of companies.

We believe that customers should be able to get through to their desired company easily and when they need it the most. Here you will be able to find the quickest and most direct phone numbers for all of your favourite companies. If you can’t find the number you’re looking for then chances are, you won’t find it on any other site either.
All Helpline Numbers – Browse the Directory
Struggling to find the best contact numbers for your Bank, Building Society or Insurance Company? Take a look at our low-cost premium phone numbers for all the biggest names in finance.
Desperate to get hold of a government department? All Helpline Numbers are here to help. We have found the most convenient number to contact popular government departments like Child Maintenance, ESA and Tax Credits. Get connected today.
It’s a well-known fact that getting through to Insurance companies is tricky. That’s why we have found the quickest way to contact your Insurance company with our low-cost telephone numbers. Speak to customer services today.
Get in touch with the UK’s biggest landline and mobile network providers with our easy-to-use and low-cost contact numbers. Speak to a customer service representative in minutes and get all of your questions answered.
Need to get hold of your postage or delivery company fast? All Helpline Numbers has got you covered. Whether you are calling about a late delivery, lost package or postage tracking, our phone numbers will get you connected in minutes.
Need to contact your favorite retail store with a question, complaint or return? Call today using our low-cost and convenient telephone numbers. We have contact numbers for some of the biggest retail stores operating in the UK to make your life easier.
All Helpline Numbers have the most comprehensive list of travel related contact numbers for the biggest names in travel. For more information about holidays, packages, cancellations and more, speak to a customer service advisor today.
TV & Broadband
Need to get in touch with your provider about your TV or Broadband service? Get connected with our low-cost telephone numbers for some of the most popular providers in the UK. Whatever you are calling about, All Helpline Numbers are the most convenient way to call.
We’ve all been there. Spending hours-on-end trying to get hold of a utility company and waiting in a queue, only to ask one simple question. Get through to the company you need when you need it the most, with our simple and easy-to-use contact numbers. Browse our selection of low-cost numbers today.
The UK’s Favourite Company Telephone and Contact Number Directory
We’ve all been there. You have a burning question or urgent enquiry for a company and you can’t find their contact number anywhere. It takes a huge chunk of time just trying to find the right working contact number.
After you finally find it, you spend hours on the phone caught up in tedious queues and long waiting times, only to find out that you have got through to the wrong department and are put into another long queue.
Need to Call Customer Services? We can help!
We are dedicated to bringing you the best prices on contacting big companies because we make sure all our contact numbers begin with 0843, saving you money. Many companies use premium rate numbers like 0845 or 09 numbers which costs a lot more to call.
Here, we offer the best prices on phone calls meaning you will not be hit with an obnoxious phone bill at the end of the month. Take a look at our comprehensive list of contact numbers and see what you could save.
What our Visitors are Saying
- I struggled for ages to find a contact number for my local council. When I searched their official website I couldn't find it anywhere and I didn't want to call an expensive directory enquiry service. Thanks All Helpline Numbers for putting me in touch after a quick search of your site provided me with a low cost number to call.~ Maureen, Durham
- Thanks for helping me contact my broadband provider after I lost internet connection at home. Your site was really easy to use on my mobile, and I'm pleased to say our broadband is back up and running now.~ Paul Steel, Cardiff